Результатов поиска: 136

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TEXT 24 Thus the transcendentalists undertake sacrifices, charities, and penances, beginning always with om, to attain the Supreme. PURPORT When a person dedicates his activities to God, he gradually begins to realize Him. When this realization increases, the individual understands the need to prea...
02 май 2021, 04:55
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

TEXT 20 That gift which is given out of duty, at the proper time and place, to a worthy person, and without expectation of return, is considered to be charity in the mode of goodness. PURPORT Donations should be given mainly to increase the distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books. The building of ...
01 май 2021, 15:56
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

TEXT 16 And serenity, simplicity, gravity, self-control and purity of thought are the austerities of the mind. PURPORT Serenity means that the devotee is satisfied with what he has and that he has no developed plans for material life. Education, family, work and household are all temporary things; ...
01 май 2021, 15:23
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

TEXT 12 But that sacrifice performed for some material end or benefit or performed ostentatiously, out of pride, is of the nature of passion, O chief of the Bhāratas. PURPORT The meaning of worshipping God (including the sacrifice of time, feelings or some objects) is to realize Him Himself, not in...
27 апр 2021, 21:31
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

TEXT 5-6 Those who undergo severe austerities and penances not recommended in the scriptures, performing them out of pride, egotism, lust and attachment, who are impelled by passion and who torture their bodily organs as well as the Supersoul dwelling within are to be known as demons. PURPORT Peopl...
25 апр 2021, 13:11
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

Chapter 17. The Divisions of Faith TEXT 1 Arjuna said, O Kṛṣṇa, what is the situation of one who does not follow the principles of scripture but worships according to his own imagination? Is he in goodness, in passion or in ignorance? PURPORT In the English version of the title of this chapter, the...
25 апр 2021, 08:40
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

TEXT 22 The man who has escaped these three gates of hell, O son of Kuntī, performs acts conducive to self-realization and thus gradually attains the supreme destination. PURPORT Śrīla Prabhupāda writes in his commentary that by trying to lead a pure life, one can realize his spiritual nature and w...
23 апр 2021, 20:03
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

TEXT 19 Those who are envious and mischievous, who are the lowest among men, are cast by Me into the ocean of material existence, into various demoniac species of life. PURPORT God gives everyone the opportunity for spiritual development and liberation. Those who have received such an opportunity -...
21 апр 2021, 20:53
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

TEXT 13-15 The demoniac person thinks: "So much wealth do I have today, and I will gain more according to my schemes. So much is mine now, and it will increase in the future, more and more. He is my enemy, and I have killed him; and my other enemy will also be killed. I am the lord of everythi...
18 апр 2021, 18:45
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

TEXT 8 They say that this world is unreal, that there is no foundation and that there is no God in control. It is produced of sex desire, and has no cause other than lust. PURPORT Demons deny the existence of good and evil, saying that the concepts of good and evil are relative and therefore good a...
11 апр 2021, 14:20
Форум: «Бхагавад-гита для всех»
Тема: Bhagavad-gītā for Everyone
Ответы: 146
Просмотры: 150695

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